Sunday, March 4, 2007


We're Sophie and Stef.
For our project we read Parvana by Deborah Ellis. This book is about a young girl named Parvana who risked her life for her family. They live in Afghanistan where the Taliban have intruded and enforced new laws that effect most women in Afghanistan. This was a touching story of bravery and courage which will warm the hearts of anyone.
Text to Text
Sophie and Stef
We think Parvana relates to the novel 'The Heaven Shop' because this is a story of injust laws and rights that have been stripped of innocent people who havn't done anything wrong.
Text to World
This book relates to the problem of world poverty in third world countries. The family in the novel struggles to survive in harsh living conditions. People in poor countries face poverty everyday. They have to fetch water from up to 20 kilometres away.
It is usually the young women of the community's job, they give up thier time to get the water to help feed and wash their families. This is also conected to women rights today. Some women still have to face this injustice when they apply for a job. They sometimes don't get as much pay or don't even get the job because they are women.
In the novel the women of Afghanistan are forced to quit their jobs, they are not allowd to go outside without a her husband and they are bruttally beaten if they break one of these rules. This relates to violence against women today in our society. Sometimes women are discriminated because of what they look like and most of just because they are women. In some proffesions, the men in the same buisness are paid much higher than women, or the women get the easiest or poorest paying jobs in the company. This has decreased majorly in the last few years; more women are getting recognized for their talents and achievments. But women are still being treated inequally in some circumstances, violence against women is still a mojor problem, you hear about these things almost everyday, it has to be stoped. Everyone is equal.
Text to Self
There are a few similarities between Parvena and myself.
The Taliban government ristricted Parvana from most things she would do in her everyday living, for example, Parvana was not allowed to go to school because she was a female and that she was not allowed to go outside her house without an escort/ company of a male.
In my life the government and my parents have restricted me from doing things that i may regret later in life and making sure that i don't get hurt or make silly decisions.
In this novel Parvana; she has a lot of dreams. She wants to go back to school to keep studying Afghan History. She wants to take care of her family and make sure they are happy. I also want to have a bright future and study medicine so that I can take care of others too.
Parvana also has a lot of bravery. She dressed up as a boy to help her family get food and water, and to escort her mother and sisters outside. I don't think I could show that kind of bravery but I love my family very much and would also do anything for them.